Some child Document Components don't appear. Please, check if there is some component referenced inside the child document: the bit2publish tool doesn't support 3 level of reference among Document Components.... bit2publish cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Publish Catalog In case you fail to publish a complex product and get a CPU Time Limit error, the complex product probably has a high number of Property Domains. We suggest to use Dynamic Lookup or not to use bit2win... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Some child objects are not all correctly related with the account, or another root object from console log Please, check if the datamap b2wgin_Configuration (or any other for the related object) has the target fields and the source equal (case sensitive).... cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
ChangeOrder returns error on some item Some asset items in the related asset have the wrong status on relation of their root item. * *... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Lightning Cart Custom data visibility issue Please, check the visibility rules.... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
A subcategory misses all its products in the Cart Bit2win manages high amount of products in a category by checking among the first 50 of them: if those products has visible = false, than the subcategory will be empty. To avoid this issue, we suggest... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Error on loading Lightning Cart Error on Heroku side: problem with the programs (missing check on special characters, for instance). Once fixed, the salesforce side must do a recreate of the programs.... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Lightning Cart doesn't work for Community Profile Please, check if the VF page (NE.b2wginCore) is allowed both for the community and for the profiles on the community.... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Checkout returns error Please, check if there is any error through bit2win debug: maybe there are object related to the wrong type of data by custom business logic on customer project. * *... cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Lightning Cart doesn't show images only in the community This issue has been solved with 19r1.2.84 patch version and also in the newer versions. * * bit2win 19R.1.2.84 [1] [1] /blog/patches-13/post/bit2win-19r1-2-84-73#scrollTop=0... 19R1.2.84 cart cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ
Product wasn't removed as expected This happens because the Catalog Item has defaultqty > 0: Try to change defaultqty value. * *... cart API heroku Sep 24, 2020 HEROKU
B2wgin Catalog Management functions return "Failed" Please, check if the Connected App is configured correctly with this environment (orgId and url are coherent).... catalog management cpq Sep 24, 2020 CPQ