Bit2win 22R.0 release


                                                    Rule Tracker

                                                    Custom Setting Update

                                                    Bit2win Logging: A new custom setting that will contain all the setting necessary for the debugging of the b2w components.

                                                    The settings are:

                                                    • Log Level: It is possible to add a value from 1 to 5. It enable the debug console of bit2win cart component.

                                                    • Enable Seeker: If true, it will enable the seeker functionality


                                                     A new Bit2win component that has the following capabilities:

                                                    • Record any perfomed action during the Cart Phase.

                                                    • See the execution time of every action performed.

                                                    • Download a JSON file that contains all the information of the perfomed action, Archetypes included


                                                    Data-model Cleaning


                                                    To avoid reaching the limit of the lookup fields on the NE__OrderItem__c object, the following no longer used lookup fields have been removed from the managed packaged:.

                                                    • NE__Billing_Profile__c

                                                    • NE__DiscountId__c

                                                    • NE__PromotionId__c

                                                    • NE__OrderItemPromoId__c

                                                    Cart Enhancements

                                                    Catalog Navigator Widget

                                                    • Sort feauture: on each catalog, now is possible to select a set of fied that can be used in the catalog navigator to sort the item of the current category.

                                                    • Highlighted Item: now some item can be highlighted in the catalog navigator using a new field in the catalog item (the field can be managed by the rule engine)

                                                    Cart Retail

                                                    • Add Price list version in input build order: it’s required to add a new input field in build order called priceListVersion

                                                    • Modify price list version selector: reopen the cart it’s required to use the original price list version and not recalculate it

                                                    Cart Configurator Widget

                                                    • Accordion Messages on cart item:

                                                    - using the Bit2win Administration Console:

                                                    the accordion of the messages can start opened/closed

                                                    the messages on the accordion can be paginated

                                                    - on each message related to a required attributes, an hyper link to it is now available

                                                    • Dynamic Lookup item per page:

                                                    - using the Bit2win Administration Console it’s possible to set a default pagination

                                                    - inside the Dynamic Lookup popup the pagination can replace the default setting inside the “Show per page” field

                                                    • Dynamic Lookup look&feel:

                                                    The size of the popup is increased in order to allow more content to be displayed, and columns next/previous buttons are replaced with an horizontal scrollbar in order to navigate quickly between results

                                                    • “Display Name” on cart items: 

                                                    To simply identify one specific cart item, in the cart widget , now, the operator can add a description on each cart item root/simple/bundle

                                                    • Massive change: 

                                                    To massively modify only a subset of the splitted cart items, now, the operator can filter them via the search bar and then select them via a checkbox

                                                    • Cart Configurator with big cart:

                                                    the cart initialization and management has been improved in order to manage big orders 

                                                    Order Management

                                                    • Summary Widget with big cart: to manage big orders the summary widget has been improved   

                                                    • Cancel Order without reason: a confirm message is required when no reason are required

                                                    • Integration reason: 

                                                    - a new field to the configuration item object has been added in order to manage the integration status.

                                                    - If the field is fulfilled an a tooltip is availbe in the cart if the order has been sent or if an order2asset process is ongoing

                                                    • Partial order2asset: to allow the partial asset generation/modification, now starting from a configuration having several products (simple, complex or bundle), the order2asset process can be called several time in order

                                                    TodayOffer Widget

                                                    • Dynamic TodayOffer: now the today offer can be selected dynamically by rules.